Panorama lake

Surrounded by breathtaking mountains and fresh alpine air.

The viewpoint with the reservoir invites you to relax at one of the many rest areas or take a leisurely walk around the lake. While the children have fun on the playground and around the lake, the adults can enjoy the surroundings and capture moments in the unique mountain landscape.


When it’s time for a snack, the reservoir and large 3D letters provide the perfect backdrop. Numerous rest areas with views of the beautiful Inn Valley invite you to linger and offer excellent picnic spots. Although it is not a swimming lake, the reservoir offers summer freshness for both young and old – ideal after an eventful hike or exciting adventures in the children’s area.
The panoramic lake is not only the starting point for the ball track but also a beautiful place to relax. The reflection of the mountains in the clear water of the lake creates a picturesque setting, perfect for family photos.
There are numerous seating areas and picnic spots where you can take a break and enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding Alps.
The ball track runs from the panoramic lake to the lively activity park, offering various obstacles and challenges along the way for the ball. SO LET THE BALL ROLL!
More about the ball track